F l o r a b u d D

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bamboo love

I'm much smaller than you
A short crusty bamboo
You've left me outside
My leaves have dried
And my roots are soaked through

Please take me indoors
Safe from weather wars
Let me dry right out
New leaves to sprout
And treat me like I'm truly yours


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

revel in a revel rebel

my love sits beside me
playing sweet rhythmic tunes
there's an opened packet between us
well we had to test them out first
but you can never tell the difference
between the orange and the coffee
and the rain is pouring down on the roof
mingling in with the sounds of music
we are so happy it makes us sick
or is that the chocolate?


Saturday, March 08, 2008

big smile :)

Strange creatures fill my world of dreams,
Changing into figures from a futile past,
As I battle to make them become unseen,
I wonder how long this absurdity will last.

And with a small jolt I'm awake,
It's cold but I'm safe and snuggly cosy,
A huge big smile upon my face,
I see my love, looking warm and dozy.


hello world

There's a voice inside,
Inside my head,
Trying to get out
Have words said,
I'm sure it's there,
Unless I'm dead
But that I'm not
I have not bled
Lots or lost my head
Yet. But it might
Happen, one day...
